How MGA’s can build brand and business continuity with post event trauma services

17/05/2022 | Online - Zoom Conferencing

Join Graeme, Mahesh and Ian from MBL Global Limited as they provide you with an insight on how MGAs can build brand and business with post trauma services.

Learning Objectives
By the end of the session delegates will:

  • be able to define the importance of how an immediately visible and coordinated response to deal with the psychological impact of an incident can positively affect survivors.
  • be able to list some of the techniques and timelines used to counsel survivors.
  • be able to describe the impact a pro active and comprehensive post event trauma counselling programme will have on an MGA’s brand reputation and business.
  • be able to explain how such services form part of a holistic crisis management plan to limit business interruption claims and possible litigation.
  • be able to identify trends in the insurance industry between business continuity , trauma counselling and social responsibility.

About the speakers

Graeme Mackenzie
Graeme is a qualified insurance professional with 35 years market experience. He held executive positions with Insurers in both the UK and South Africa before establishing a niche risk advisory business providing specialist IP in the strategic implementation, design, and differentiation of insurance products across established market sectors in 2009.
Recognising the lack of coordinated care for those psychologically affected post any major insured event he co founded MBL Global Ltd in 2016 to allow Insurers and MGAs across the world to offer such services to those affected.
He has become a leading voice across the insurance industry in championing the need for the human cost of such events to be recognised and professionally managed.
He has worked with some of the leading global brands across the banking, insurance, and retail sectors across 4 continents and is ‘people person’ who still believes that communication, experience, relationships and transparency are the best means through which to form any commercial relationship.

Mahesh Pillay
Mahesh is a seasoned entrepreneur and senior executive with a track record in developing and implementing commercialisation and marketing strategies for businesses in the financial services industry.
Mahesh was part of a select team at a leading global management consulting firm which focused on innovating and growing new businesses and service offerings within the financial services industry Within this environment, he specialised in product design to grow revenue, increase market share, develop brand and customer experience. He is a specialist in the development and assessment of new business opportunities and has extensive experience in deal structuring within an Insurer environment, developing marketing and commercial strategies with a strong value proposition. He has worked with clients across various global markets and is currently focussed on the South African and UK market.
Mahesh is a co-founder and partner of MBL Global and is passionate about social development and believes this is primarily achieved through creating sustainable businesses that add value back to our society. His philosophy is to do business with integrity and through partnerships with like-minded people who want to achieve a better world that uplifts and improves the lives of others.

Ian Snowball
Ian has been in the Insurance and Reinsurance market for almost 40 years.
He started his career in the early 1980s specialising in the placement of Middle East and African reinsurance treaties at JH Minet and Greig Fester Ltd and was subsequently transferred to South Arica as the Representative for RFIB in 1996.
Ian has held executive positions both in the UK and South Africa and spearheaded the management buyout of Alexander Forbes Reinsurance in 2003 which later became The Reinsurance Solutions Group of companies where he held the position of Chairman.
He became an authority in the MGA market after assisting in the financing and start up of several such businesses in South Africa.
Ian has always maintained his connections and support in the global reinsurance markets which have proved invaluable in his new role as Head of Distribution at MBL Global who he joined as a Partner in 2021.
Ian sees his role in the MBL business as being one that can enable the Insurance fraternity to respond in a community based and socially conscious manner to events that may have a significant psychological impact to those affected in the vicinity.