Pool Re 1st Quarterly Threat Report

15th July 2015

The Pool Re Terrorism Research and Analysis Centre (TRAC) is pleased to present its first Quarterly Threat Report

The purpose of this report is to inform Pool Re Members and wider stakeholders of the current and future terrorism threat and its implications for the resilience of UK businesses and by extension, the economy.

All assessments and trends are made in relation to the threat posed to the UK and tailored to the information requirements of the (re)insurance sector.  As well as Quarterly and Emerging Risk Reports, the TRAC will produce an Annual Review, and post incident reports on particular terrorist events.  The first of these, on CBRN, was issued in July and is available here.

For the first edition in this series, the team has focused on key terrorism events and trends from January to August 2016. Pool Re has invested significant resources into its research and peril analysis capability and it is assessed that, combined with the Pool Re Emerging Risk Reports, this Quarterly edition will provide a valuable source of information and guidance to the (re)insurance sector and wider stakeholders.

As well as providing reporting and analysis, Pool Re is also developing sophisticated loss estimation models in collaboration with our external research partners in relation to CBRN and the emerging risk of destructive cyber terrorism. The Pool Re TRAC will publicise the findings of these ongoing projects to industry risk carriers, security specialists within the private sector and Government partners.

We hope that you find this edition informative and we would welcome any feedback that you might have. 

Further information about Pool Re can be found on our website or by following us on Linked In

Insurance Day Silver Briefing

Please click on the link below to read Julian Enoizi’s contribution to the panel discussion hosted by Insurance Day as part of the Terrorism and Political Risk Briefing – July 2015.

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  • Author : MGAA
  • 15th July 2015