Tips for working From home during the COVID-19 Pandemic

1st May 2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 could be the single most significant event to impact the Lloyd’s market in generations, with the potential for ripple effects throughout the market for many years to come. The message from the top down has been clear, communication is key. In a world where we have become so reliant on electronic communications, the time to utilise them is now. I have been lucky enough to have worked from home in the past and therefore the abrupt transition to setting up a home office, has fortunately been a smooth one. A few tips that may assist in these unsettling times:

1. Maintaining (some form of) normality. When working from home, I have found it helpful to keep a designated ‘office space’, I get ready for the day and maintain a daily to-do list, ensuring time is productive and efficient. I have kept my alarms on and get ready for work as usual and also have lunch at the same time, by doing the above I have been able to attempt a work/life balance in Week 1 of COVID-19.

2. Communication. From Whatsapp, to Teams, to Zoom; how we maintain key business relationships for the foreseeable future will determine our results in months to come. One thing is for sure, seeing my colleagues and our business partners face to face on screen, has provided comfort and confidence in this (hopefully) short period of adjustment. Everybody is in the same boat and we all have to play our role to ensure its smooth sailing. 

3. Exercise and breaks. After initially frequenting the kitchen, I have prioritised meal planning and daily exercise. I cannot tell you how much just moving your body helps lift you mentally and improves your productivity, with so many workouts at your digital fingertips, why not give one a try? 

I will end this on the note that being part of the MGAA network is a privilege, we can all pull from strengths within the group and learn from each other. If you are not currently signed up to the forums, now would be an excellent time to let Peter and Ben know that you would like to join. We have many market leaders, who are always willing to share information and best practices. Now more than ever is the time for the Lloyd’s market to be at the forefront of global insurance requirements and we must assist each other where possible.

Kajal Pankhania, MGAA Next Gen Group member provides some tips for working at home during the pandemic.

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  • Author : MGAA
  • 1st May 2020