celebrating the industry's
best and brightest

Welcome to the MGAA Awards!

Welcome to the MGAA Awards!

The awards honour the achievements of the MGAA membership across all areas of the insurance market and they offer a platform for recognising forward-thinking initiatives.

MGAs continue to play a central role in the insurance market's ability to respond and embrace, the challenges that the market faces. Everyone involved at all stages of the value chain has had a part to play in the resilience, perseverance and successes.

The Service Provider of the Year, MGA Initiative of the year and Champions of Change award are subject to company applications. For the Rising Star award we invite nominations of individuals within member companies.

Submissions for the MGAA Awards are now closed

The MGAA Awards categories open for entry are:

The awards are open to all member firms that fit the specific award category.

Winners will be announced at our face-to-face Annual Conference at Old Billingsgate on Wednesday, 10th July 2024.

Champions of Change

Open to all members

The judges seek organisations that can show either collectively or individually how they are actively supporting and contributing to championing diversity, equity, and/or inclusion, fostering positive community relations, promoting local sustainability, or enhancing health and wellbeing. They should present tangible evidence of the direct impact their initiatives have had.

MGA Initiative of the Year

Open to all MGA members

The judges will be looking for MGAs that have delivered product innovation and market solutions that benefit your distribution and carriers in a profitable and efficient manner.

Rising Star of the Year

Open to all members

The individual will have made a significant contribution to the delivery of their firm’s business strategy and may include but not limited to; staff wellbeing, progression and inclusivity, commercial innovation and organisational process. The judges will also look for drive and positive influence within the insurance sector and externally. The individual will be 30 or under on 7 June 2024.

MGA Insurer of the Year

Open to all MGA members

Members will be asked to vote for the MGAA Insurer member who during the last twelve months has demonstrated a proactive partnership approach to MGAs with clear and timely communications. Consideration should be given to the Insurer's consistency, innovation, engagement and ease to do business with including, where appropriate, the contract renewal or on boarding process.

The MGA Insurer of the year, will work slightly differently in that we will be inviting MGAs to vote for their favourite insurer member based on a given criteria.

Vote Here

Service Provider of the Year

Open to all supplier members

The judges will require examples of delivery of a solution or service that has helped MGAs realise efficiencies, improve service and profitability, enhance their operational governance.