An optimal MGA business process, achieving it with today’s technology

05/04/2023 | On-line zoom conferencing

Since the turn of the millennium, the technology landscape has shifted significantly; with some organisations able to keep up but many not.

With vast volumes of data and differently required formats, passed to, and replicated by multiple organisations, MGAs face a unique challenge.

With the technology available to the insurance market today, firms can achieve improved efficiency and data accuracy. In this session, TIW will examine this further.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Describe an ideal target operating model (TOM) for a standard MGA business process.
  • Explain the technology issues faced by MGAs today.
  • Summarise how to utilise the latest technology to achieve the desired TOM.

Anthea Shaw
Anthea has over 30 years of experience designing Business Change programmes in the Financial Services sector.  She has successfully led teams implementing these programmes, delivering solutions for leading insurance Brokers, Managing Agents, Syndicates and Companies, in the Global, London and Lloyd’s markets.

Alex Brown
Alex has over a decade’s experience in specifying, designing, and implementing technology across all functions in the insurance life cycle.  As a Senior Business consultant with TIW Group, Alex works with all TIW clients to realise business efficiencies through the deployment of new and existing technology.